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A Get to Know Me quiz

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Thanks to Christina, my twinner, from Hungry Meets Healthy for this quiz so you can learn a little bit about me! And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTINA!!!! <3

1. What brings you the greatest joy? My Tommy, my family, my friends, my Maizey and my faith. Oh, and a good piece of toast.

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2. What are your vices? Spending too much $ on dresses. I loooove dresses.

3. What is on your nightstand? My kindle, 3-5 books at any given time (currently Fates & Furies, Crazy Love, and Winter Garden), the latest issue of Runner’s World magazine, a lamp, the first picture taken of Tommy and me, hand lotion, Mat Mist (I spray it in my workout shoes to keep them fresh), and Aquaphor (I slap it on my lips when I go to bed).

(You can see a picture of my bedroom and nightstand in this post. And you can read about my first date with Tommy in this post. <3)

4. Do you have a secret talent? I took piano for 15 years and briefly considered majoring in music. (I majored in Finance instead.) Although, I haven’t really played the piano for about 10 years so it’s probably not a talent anymore…

5. What is your greatest indulgence? I love a really great glass of wine. I don’t drink that often so when I do, I’ll pay a premium for a good one.

6. What should everyone try at least once in their life? Living on their own! Traveling alone. Eating at a restaurant alone. (I stole this answer from Christina, but I 100% agree with all of these!)

7. What makes you laugh? Tommy. Maizey. Tommy and Maizey together. They’re hilarious (and so dang cute).

8. What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you? I grew up on a small farm in Utah and was raised “living off the land”. That’s kind of trendy thing right now, but my parents lived that way before it was cool. They are not granola or the hippie type at all…but I think they value good food, and it was probably cheaper to feed 6 kids that way! (I have 5 older brothers.) My parents had/have a huge garden, and my mom would can the extra vegetables for us to eat in the winter. She makes her (famous) bread every Saturday, and she gather 1-2 dozen eggs from their 40+ chickens everyday. My dad and brothers hunt deer and elk, and stock huge freezers with meat.

9. What is on your bucket list?  Visiting Cinque Terre, Italy. Look at this place!! I also would love to meet Deena Kastor – or better yet, go on a run with Deena Kastor!


10. What is on your feet right now? These Jack Rogers, a Southern trend I finally gave into – and I’m obsessed. I wear them nonstop.

11. How did you make your first dollar? I sold rocks to my neighbors. Seriously. I gathered what I thought were really pretty rocks, and went door to door selling them. ha!

12. What superstition do you believe in? Ummmm… I don’t know if I believe in any! Or I at least can’t think of one!

13. What items in your closet do you wear the most? These blue and white Vineyard Vines shorts. They fit amazingly well – on both my glutes and waist – so they’re basically unicorns for someone who squats a lot. I can’t find the same ones I have, but these are the same cut and also oh-so-cute! (Oh, and those are the Jack Rogers sandals I referenced above! The top is from Lush, but I can’t find it online. This one is similar.)

14. What is the best gift you’ve ever received? Oooh this is a toughie. My friends and family give really thoughtful gifts. What comes to mind right now is what Tommy did for our first Valentine’s Day together. We’d only been dating a few months and he ignored the advice of friends to take me out to a nice restaurant. He planned a night in with Pinot Noir, takeout from Teeter Thai, and Justin’s Peanut Butter cups. I hate dining out on Valentine’s Day so he nailed it. I knew right away that he got me and I was quickly falling in love. 🙂

15. What is on your liquor shelf? 2 kinds of Gin, 2 kinds of Bourbon, Tequila, Rum, Cointreau. Don’t ask me the last time they actually got used. No clue.

16. What is on your kitchen counter? Vitamix. This coffee maker. This burr coffee grinder. JA Henckles knife set. Paper towel holder. Olive Oil. Canister holding cooking utensils. Bowl of fruit. Wine rack. This kitchen scale. In short – WAY TOO MUCH.

17. What would you never leave home without? Phone, debit card, chapstick.

Question for you: What’s on your nightstand?

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    12 responses to “A Get to Know Me quiz”

    1. I love this. You’re such a beautiful person inside & out! 🙂 On my nightside… “for the Love” by Jen Hatmaker. Journey to the heart (love reading this before bed or in the morning!() One true loves! and then my daily word!

    2. yay so excited you did this too! and THANK YOU for the shoutout. 1. love that pink shirt. 2. i’m with you on the wine thing. a good red is a GOOD red. 3. can we go to cinque terre??? like totally serious haha. 4.i love that you have that much liquor but don’t know when it was used. wine for the win, again. hahah! xoxo

    3. Fun! Stop everything you are reading right now and read winter garden! It is so intense and so wonderful!! One of my favorite books!

    4. Oooh I want to do this quiz too!

      LOL! I love that you sold rocks! And ahh I want a Vitamix bad. I want to start putting greens and ice (without waiting for them to half-melt) before blending everything up. Andddd….the only things on my nightstand each night are my ipad + phone plugged in, 2 lipbalms that are basically the same (the rose one in the jars), and a nail cuticle cream thingie.

    5. Me, too, on #17! As for my bedside table, it’s an antique sewing machine cabinet so it holds a lot, and I can hide the small things in the drawers. Right now – lamp, clock, Bose Bluetooth speaker (I use it when I’m listening to podcasts and Netflix since we don’t have a tv on this level of the house), a lovely mug with pens (for when I read in bed), Beautycounter nourishing cleansing balm (which makes an awesome moisturizer, too!), lip balm, fan remote.

    6. This is such a fun quiz, I am definitely going to do it on my blog! My nighstand has a lamp, a whole bunch of books and my kindle and a bag full of all the supplements I take on a daily basis on it.

    7. My daughter & I just got back from a trip to Italy, & our favorite day was a hike through the Cinque Terre. Just draw-dropping beautiful! GO!!!

    8. The Cinque Terre is pretty amazing. Each little town is so cute and beautiful. I also LOVED going to Siena, Italy on our honeymoon trip. A few people had recommended it and I’m so glad we made a few days for it. Beautiful area, small town with really good wine and food and just a stone’s throw from so many good wineries.

    9. How do you like your JA Henckle knife set? In need of a new knife set asap! 🙂 🙂

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