Comments on: Vibram FiveFingers Realistic fashion, beauty & wellness Sat, 16 Dec 2023 22:47:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sony Wilkinson Mon, 12 Aug 2013 23:24:26 +0000 In reply to donna.

Donna, If you haven’t read Born To Run, you gotta read it. It will help you to see why minimalist shoes are wonderful. Have fun

By: donna Mon, 12 Aug 2013 20:05:29 +0000 OMG–I happened upon your website and got into, well, looking around. Love this article! I am buying a pair this week! (I have lost feeling in my right foot due to a back injury and HATE wearing running shoes. They really compound the problem!) I believe this is going to save me! Excited to try them. Thanks for your site and information! xoxoD

By: Chris Fri, 19 Apr 2013 00:33:50 +0000 I do believe the main reason for so many people complaining about injuries is due to them not taking the time transition to the VFF nor do they alter the way the distribute their weight from heel to midfoot while standing around.
I had to give up running for over 30 years. When I resumed it was painful but do-able with orthotics and bimonthly visits to the chiropractor. In short, switching to VFF Speeds has allowed me to put aside my knee braces for my runs and marathons. I’ve even done a 50k race in my VFF Speeds. I know I’m one of the few succes stories. However, being able to distribute my weight correctly and keeps my feet from supinating.

By: Sony Sat, 29 Dec 2012 18:43:34 +0000 Great article but I have a couple questions for you. I too am a runner and had been an Asics girl for several years before I found Vibrams. I had really bad plantar faciitis while wearing the Asics and weirdly it really got better during the two years I wore my Vibrams. Unfortunately, it never really went completely away so I switched back to a “normal” running shoe which has somewhat helped the faciitis but it still kind of nags a little. I have notices some SI pain recently (saw in your article) and I really do miss the feel of the Vibrams. Any thoughts? As I write this I guess I just need to ease back into the Vibrams and see how it goes. Thanks for the article.

By: Teri [a foodie stays fit] Wed, 24 Oct 2012 23:57:47 +0000 In reply to Marie.

yep! that’s because it was a very steep downhill and when I’m trying to “brake” on downhills, I heel strike. You can see pictures of my forefoot strike, which is how I run on flat surfaces, on this post.

Hope that helps!

By: Marie Wed, 24 Oct 2012 23:23:38 +0000 You say you were a heel striker before wearing Vibrams…and after are more a midfoot runner..however in the picture of you running in your Vibrams you are using a heel strike?

By: Mary @ Fit and Fed Sat, 29 Sep 2012 23:28:40 +0000 Encouraging report! I’m going to send this one along to one of my young adult children who wants to buy these five-finger shoes. I figure skate. Figure skates are not designed to be kind to the human body. There’s no other sport where you jump in a stiff, heeled boot with very little ankle flexion– not good for the knees, hips, or feet. I tend to live in sandals the rest of the time to give my feet a break.

By: Kallah Thu, 06 Sep 2012 11:42:51 +0000 Ahhhh I wish I could’ve found this way back when I first started running in MY fivefingers! (Also the bikilas -in love)…
I have been running with the vibrams since last November, and its been an amazing, steady, injury-free year of running (and this girl always used to get crazy shinsplints)

My only ONLY complaint with the FFs – they are NOT cute post-workout shoes to run errands in! I have been eyeing the Nike Free running ones (the neon colors!) with envy. Would it be super vain to have a pair of workout shoes simply to wear with my workout clothes AFTER a run? yes, yes it would. Waste of money. I think I may have to. 😉
anyways… I will be following this blog now! We have a lot in common! 🙂

By: Kyle Wed, 08 Aug 2012 22:45:14 +0000 Great article, I only wish I had come across it before I went for my first VFF run. The sales clerk told me about a person that injured their feet the firs time out, but she did not tell me about how engaged your calves become.The run was fantastic, I was propelled to run on my forefoot, and seemed almonst spring loaded. I have suffered shin and knee pain for as long as I have been running, but the first run in my VFF’s shaved 4 minutes off my mile time and I was and am pain free. I was so focused on being aware of my feet as to not injury them, that I was surprised when I realized I was at the half way mark way to soon. I had not intended to run the almost 6 miles I did that day. I was hoping for just a break-in run, but my feet got away from me!. It was not until the next day that my calves let me know that they were very involved in the run…they HURT!!! They still hurt 5 days later, but in a good way. They got a workout that obviously they never had before. I could not believe that my 10 minute miles and knee and shin issues had a lot to due with conventional running shoes. Thanks again fora great post, and I hope you don’t mind, but I linked your post to my blog review.
