Pisco is the Peruvian national drink and if you have ever wondered how it is actually made you can now find it out with one of our free unique stops, visiting an amazing 130-year-old pisco vineyard.
The pisco vineyard we visit has passed through the hands of 5 different generations. Throughout those years, they have had to work to balance the tension between keeping old traditions alive and incorporating new technology to produce enough Pisco. The whole process is completely handmade, and it’s part of Ica’s tradition.
Different types of grapes grow here, including quebranta, negra criolla, mollar, uvina, torontel, moscatel and italia being the most popular varieties.
The first thing they explain is the festival (Vendimia) that takes place during harvest time (February and March) and everyone is invited to be part of the entire experience, which begins with the grape collection, taking them to the grape press and even participating in pressing, a scene that perhaps some of you have seen before: people treading grapes following the rhythm of music.
The second thing they explain is the process of making pisco, finishing off with samples of the Peru’s national drink.
I don’t drink alcohol, can I still go on the tour?
Yes! We highly recommend taking the tour as you’ll get to learn the history and the process of making pisco.
Are bottles of pisco sold in the vineyard?
Yes, bottles of pisco are sold there. It’s very probable that you fall in love with pisco and end up purchasing a bottle!